Saturday was a productive day!! Yeah!

Girls, Girls, Girls...We can do it too! With the help of my friend Niki, we started the shelves on the pantry. Most of my time goes to watching Cambria... but every once in awhile... she gets busy playing with the older kids and I get a chance to work on a project. I asked Niki if she wanted to help me... and she said YES! So, Eric gave us a little instruction on the proper way to put the "Cleats" up, using the saw, finding studs, and using the nail gun. We cleared out the pantry (the electrician was storing all his stuff there), and got started. We measured, cut, painted, and nailed the cleats up.
We also moved a very large pile of firewood from the driveway. I forgot to take a picture "before"....but it was a ton of firewood and there were many large stumps in the pile. Alysa also came to help! We started out with a big wheelbarrow that developed a flat tire... then just transported by hand.. and finished off with the dollie. A lizard, a black widow, some spiders, an ant farm (which Alysa almost picked up).... and we still accomplished our task. I really didn't think we'd move it all, but we did. Big, huge thanks to Niki and Alysa. It is so much more fun and faster with friends!
The next day, Alysa helped me pull the carpet and wood off of the staircase wall. This wall will have wood planks wrapped around it...
Eric also got help from his friend Nick... I'll post pictures in the next blog....